22 research outputs found

    Trophic plasticity in Antarctic echinoderms: an adaptive trait with implications at ecosystem wide scale?

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    editorial reviewedClimate change is expected to have many adverse biological effects in Antarctica, including perturbation of feeding habits and energy fluxes. Food availability and predator/prey interactions are considered major factors dictating survival of Antarctic fauna, and foraging strategies have been shown to drive population evolution in some taxa. Whenever facing environmental changes, all organisms are expected to have some intrinsic ability to adapt. At shorter than evolutionary timescales, ecological plasticity in general, and trophic plasticity (i.e. the ability to display different feeding habits according to variation in environmental conditions) in particular, could be important adaptive mechanisms. There is increasing evidence that many key Antarctic benthos members show a high degree of trophic plasticity. It could prove to be a beneficial trait, allowing those species to shift their diet and match the new environments they will face in the future. However, diet shifts may also have detrimental aspects, such as feeding on items whose quality or nature are not optimal for the consumers. Ultimately, trophic plasticity could have important consequences at wider biological organisation levels, as it could modulate secondary production by those taxa, as well as the way they interact with other taxa through trophic relationships. Assessing trophic plasticity in Antarctic zoobenthos is therefore a promising avenue to shed light on how environmental change can shape organisms’ roles in ecosystem functioning. In this talk, we will focus on how trophic tracers (stables isotope ratios of C, N and S) can help delineating feeding plasticity in selected echinoderm (sea star and sea urchin taxa) in both Antarctic and Subantarctic coastal marine ecosystems

    Figure 10 in The genus Teliocrinus (Crinoidea, Echinodermata): a key taxon among pentacrinid stalked crinoids

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    Figure 10. Cirrus socket and cirral: specimen USNM 36068 (A) and specimen USNM 35996 (B, C). A, B, cirrus socket. C, cirral synarthry.Published as part of <i>Roux, Michel, Améziane, Nadia & Eleaume, Marc, 2009, The genus Teliocrinus (Crinoidea, Echinodermata): a key taxon among pentacrinid stalked crinoids, pp. 22-39 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155 (1)</i> on page 33, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00392.x, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10114833">http://zenodo.org/record/10114833</a&gt

    Circumpolar dataset of sequenced specimens of Promachocrinus kerguelensis (Echinodermata, Crinoidea)

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    This circumpolar dataset of the comatulid (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) Promachocrinus kerguelensis (Carpenter, 1888) from the Southern Ocean, documents biodiversity associated with the specimens sequenced in Hemery et al. (2012). The aim of Hemery et al. (2012) paper was to use phylogeographic and phylogenetic tools to assess the genetic diversity, demographic history and evolutionary relationships of this very common and abundant comatulid, in the context of the glacial history of the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic shelves (Thatje et al. 2005, 2008). Over one thousand three hundred specimens (1307) used in this study were collected during seventeen cruises from 1996 to 2010, in eight regions of the Southern Ocean: Kerguelen Plateau, Davis Sea, Dumont d'Urville Sea, Ross Sea, Amundsen Sea, West Antarctic Peninsula, East Weddell Sea and Scotia Arc including the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and the Bransfield Strait. We give here the metadata of this dataset, which lists sampling sources (cruise ID, ship name, sampling date, sampling gear), sampling sites (station, geographic coordinates, depth) and genetic data (phylogroup, haplotype, sequence ID) for each of the 1307 specimens. The identification of the specimens was controlled by an expert taxonomist specialist of crinoids (Marc Eleaume, Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris) and all the COI sequences were matched against those available on the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD: http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/ IDS_OpenIdEngine). This dataset can be used by studies dealing with, among other interests, Antarctic and/or crinoid diversity ( species richness, distribution patterns), biogeography or habitat / ecological niche modeling. This dataset is accessible through the GBIF network at http://ipt.biodiversity.aq/resource.do?r=proke

    Use of stable isotope ratios to delineate coastal benthic food web structure in Adélie Land (East Antarctica)

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    Antarctica currently undergoes strong and contrasted impacts linked with climate change. While the West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most rapidly warming regions in the world, resulting in sea ice cover decrease, in some parts of East Antarctica sea ice cover tends to increase, possibly in relation with changes in atmospheric circulation. Changes in sea ice cover are likely to influence benthic food web structure through modifications of benthic-pelagic coupling, disruption of benthic production and/or modifications of benthic community structure (i.e. resource availability for benthic consumers). Here, we studied shallow (0-20 m) benthic food web structure on the coasts of Petrels Island (Adélie Land, East Antarctica) during an event of unusually high spatial and temporal (two successive austral summers without seasonal break-up) sea ice cover. Using stable isotope ratios of C, N and S, we examined importance of several organic matter sources (benthic macroalgae, benthic biofilm, sympagic algae, suspended particulate organic matter and penguin guano) for nutrition of over 20 taxa of benthic invertebrates (sponges, sea anemones, nemerteans, sessile and mobile polychaetes, gastropods, bivalves, sipunculids, pycnogonids, amphipods, sea stars, sea urchins and sea cucumbers) spanning most present functional guilds. Our results provide insights about how Antarctic benthic consumers, which have evolved in an extremely stable environment, might adapt their feeding habits in response to sudden changes in environmental conditions and trophic resource availability.vERSO (Ecosystem Responses to global change: a multiscale approach in the Southern Ocean


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    Holozoidae Distaplia colligans Sluiter, 1932 Sluiter, 1932: 7. Millar 1960: 77. Kott 1969: 32 and synonymy. Sanamyan & Schories 2003: 94 figs 3 C, D, 4, and synonymy. Stations: 5–17. The soft spongy colonies are poorly preserved. They form flat cushions or settle in sleeves around hard polychetes tubes. Colourless in fixative liquids, the colonies may have been yellow in life as bright yellow cushions can be seen on the video recorded on board during the sampling. This is also suggested by the color photos given by Sanamyan and Schories (2003 Fig. 3 C, D) for this species. The zooids in less damaged colonies have 4 rows of stigmata crossed by parastigmatic vessels. The atrial languet is either pointed or dentate. The stomach wall has numerous thin ridges. The ovary is placed in the centre of a ring of testis vesicles. One or two not completely developed embryos hang in a brood pouch. The anatomical differences with D. cylindrica are limited to the colony shape. One sequence for specimen A 3 DIS 100 (BOLD: ASCAN 015– 10). Divergence from A 3 DIS 98 (D. cylindrica) is very small (0.17 %). No other close hit in BOLD (best: 84 %). An investigation including sequences from more specimens would be necessary to investigate the separation between these two species. This brittle species has a peri Antarctic and eurybathic distribution. Distaplia cylindrica (Lesson, 1830) Holozoa cylindrica, Lesson, 1830: 439. Kott 1969: 29 and synonymy. Sanamyan & Schories 2003: 95 and synonymy. Tatian et al. 2005: 209. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 11 (424)- 14-54 A- 60. This very spectacular species in long cylinders reaches a very large size; a colony from station 14 is 108 cm long. One sequence for specimen A 3 DIS 98 (BOLD: ASCAN 014- 10). See D. colligans for more details. D. cylindrica is eurybathic, circumpolar, and also recorded from the Patagonian shelf. Sycozoa sigillinoides Lesson, 1830 Lesson 1830: 436. Millar 1960: 71 fig. 19 pl. 2 figs 3–8. Monniot & Monniot 1983: 37. Kott 2006: 188. Tatian 1998: 149. Stations: 1-3 - 13 A- 17. The CEAMARC colonies have short thick peduncles and very long cylindrical heads, the largest is 17 cm long on a 2 cm peduncle. The zooids open along the whole length of the colony and the common atrial aperture is terminal. There are no parastigmatic vessels crossing the stigmata. The stomach has a smooth wall. The gonads are poorly developed and no larvae have been found. Sequences for specimen A 3 SYC 38 (BOLD: ASCAN 018- 10) and specimen from lot A 3 SYC 39 (BOLD: ASCAN 019- 10) are identical. No close hit in BOLD (best: 78.3 %). The species has a very wide distribution both peri antarctic and Sub-Antarctic from 50 m and deeper to the bathyal zone.Published as part of Monniot, Françoise, Dettai, Agnès, Eleaume, Marc, Cruaud, Corinne & Ameziane, Nadia, 2011, Antarctic Ascidians (Tunicata) of the French-Australian survey CEAMARC in Terre Adélie, pp. 1-54 in Zootaxa 2817 on pages 17-18, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.27717

    Styelidae Monniot, Dettai, Eleaume, Cruaud & Ameziane, 2011, n. sp.

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    Styelidae Cnemidocarpa acanthifera Monniot n. sp. (Figures 17–18) Station 80: 820 m. Ethymology: in Greek acantha = spine. The holotype fixed in alcohol, 15 mm in body length, has a short narrow peduncle ending in rhizoids (Fig. 17 B), a naked tunic, except a belt of tunic filaments at 1 / 3 of the body length at the base of the siphons (Fig. 17 B). Both siphons are long, close to each other with a cross-shaped opening. Thicker on the siphons, the tunic is paper-like elsewhere and adheres to the body wall. The internal lining and the external surface of the siphons are covered with dense spinules. The spinules (Fig. 17 A) are 120 µm long and sharp reminding of those of the Pyuridae family. The body wall (Fig. 18 C) is entirely filled with dense transverse and longitudinal muscle fibres regularly distributed. Few short oral tentacles (Fig. 18 B) in two orders of size are inserted at the base of a thick blade; this membrane has minute folds resulting in a scalloped image (Fig. 18 B). The dorsal tubercle is erect in a protruding button with a circular opening (Fig. 18 B). The branchial sac was partly extruded through a hole of the body wall. The dorsal lamina is tall and smooth edged. There are 4 low branchial folds on each side, but the distinction between the vessels belonging to the folds and the intermediate vessels is not obvious. A tentative formula on the right side is: E- 4 – 8 – 6 – 8 – 5 - 9 – 5 – 14 - 6 –DL. There are 4 long stigmata per mesh between the folds. Thin transverse vessels cross the stigmata and in some parts cut them into two rows. The digestive tract (Fig. 18 AC) is located in the posterior part of the left body side. A short tubular oesophagus enters in a globular stomach, internally folded. The primary intestinal loop is short and closed. The secondary loop forms a right angle and ends in a lobed anus. The intestine is linked to the oesophagus by a bridle at the level of the secondary intestinal curve. There are 2 sinuous elongated gonads on each side (Fig. 18 AC).The testis lobes line the central ovary on both sides. The sperm duct runs along the internal side of the ovary ending in a protruding papilla erect above a short apical oviduct. The endocarps are not numerous: on the right side two of them are between the gonads and 4 others more posteriorly; on the left side there is one endocarp on each side of the most posterior gonad and 2 smaller ones posterior to the gut (Fig. 18 AC). The atrial aperture begins with a ring of filiform papillae (Fig. 18 A). The elongate body shape, the gut and the gonads remind the structure of the tropical species Cnemidocarpa aculeata Kott, 1985. The latter differs in having sessile apertures, no peduncle, no spinules and more branchial sinuses on the folds. The geographic and bathymetric distances also lead to separate the species. The sequence for the holotype (S 1 CNE 231) is deposited in BOLD under ASCAN 032- 10. No close hit in BOLD (best: 78.8 %). Cnemidocarpa drygalskii (Hartmeyer, 1911) Tethyum drygalskii Hartmeyer, 1911: 452. Cnemidocarpa drygalskii: Monniot C. 1978: 190 figs 3 D, 8. Monniot & Monniot 1983: 69 fig. 13 C, D, and synonymy. Sanamyan & Sanamyan 1999: 1850; 2002: 341. Station: 65 (322). Of the two collected specimens one is in better condition, 24 x 15 mm, with a reticulated surface. The sessile siphons are well separated the body wall is thin. Twenty longer tentacles are intercalated with shorter ones. The dorsal tubercle in a C opens to the left side, inserted in a deep V of the peripharyngeal band. In its anterior part the dorsal lamina has a dented edge, farther its height increases and takes a plain edge. The most dorsal of the 4 branchial folds is thicker. Six to 8 longitudinal vessels were counted between the folds and an average of 3 stigmata in a mesh. The stomach has longitudinal folds, 8 to 9 were seen on its internal side. No gastric caecum was found. The long rectum ends in a lobed anus. The long and sinuous gonad on each side has testis follicles lying beneath the ovary. The gonoducts are joined and long, they reach the base of the atrial opening. Numerous foliated endocarps only cover the half ventral side of the body and are present inside the gut loop. One sequence for specimen S 1 CNE 227 (BOLD: ASCAN 033- 10). No close hit in BOLD (best: 80.73 %). C. drygalskii is recorded from the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic regions with a large bathymetric range. Cnemidocarpa nordenskjoldi (Michaelsen, 1898) Styela nordenskjoldi, Michaelsen, 1898: 565. Cnemidocarpa nordenskjoldi: Millar 1960: 101 fig. 36 A, C, D. Monniot & Monniot, 1983: 70 fig. 13 A, B and synonymy. Station: 35. Hemispherical, 18 mm in diameter, the single specimen was attached by a flat base. The apertures are distant from 1 / 3 of the body width. The strong tunic is granulated. The body wall is very muscular in the anterior part and posteriorly becomes thin without muscles. The oral tentacles are very numerous. The dorsal tubercle opens in a C to the left side. The dorsal lamina is a high blade. Four large folds are on each side of the branchial sac. The gut is only linked to the body wall by thin ligaments. The stomach has no caecum. The long intestine ends in a lobed anus. The digestive loop overpasses the ventral line toward the right body side. A long gonad lies on each side of the body, lined with 8 to 10 endocarps, as drawn by Monniot & Monniot (1983 Fig. 13 A). The whole internal surface of the atrial velum is covered with long filiform papillae. All the observed characters of this single specimen correspond to previous descriptions; C. nordenskjoldi was only recorded from the Magellan region and Falkland Islands at low depth. Its presence in Terre Adélie widely increases its geographic distribution. Cnemidocarpa pfefferi (Michaelsen, 1898) (Figure 19) Styela pfefferi, Michaelsen, 1918: 367. Cnemidocarpa pfefferi: Millar 1960: 100 fig. 35 A, B, C. Monniot & Monniot 1983: 69 and synonymy; 1994: 32. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1798. Stations (events when several per station): 2-42 - 62-65 (322). The specimens are oval and fixed by a narrow base. Both siphons are sessile, well apart, with 4 lobes. The tunic is white with a smooth surface. In Terre Adélie the body size varies from 14 to 45 mm. The thin body wall has uniformly distributed muscular fibres, regularly crossed (Fig. 19 A). The oral tentacles are numerous, thin and long. The dorsal tubercle opens in a U with horns poorly curved. The dorsal lamina is a plain high membrane. The branchial formula on the right side of the largest specimen is: E - 7- 20 – 17 – 30 – 16 – 27 – 16 – 24 – 4 – DL. Parastigmatic vessels cross the long stigmata. The oesophagus is long and narrow, the stomach is also long (Fig. 19 A), and has about 20 folds and a small caecum. The anus with round lobes is linked to the oesophagus.The simple gut loop is only attached to the body wall by ligaments. Two gonads lie on each side (Fig. 19 A, B): they have a characteristic shape with a central branched ovary and testis vesicles covering the apex of each ovarian lobe as drawn by Millar (1960 Fig. 35 A).The male gonoducts join in a single sperm duct running above the ovary and opening close to the female papilla. Numerous foliated endocarps are distributed on the whole internal body wall (Fig. 19 B). A ring of papillae circles the atrial opening. Two identical sequences for specimen S 1 CNE 225 (BOLD: ASCAN 036- 10) and specimen S 1 CNE 223 (BOLD: ASCAN 035- 10). No close hit in BOLD (best: 77.64 %). C. pfefferi has a wide distribution in the Southern Ocean. Maximal depth of collection was in Terre Adélie with 770 m. Cnemidocarpa univesica Monniot n. sp. (Figures 20, 21) Cnemidocarpa sp. Monniot & Monniot, 1983: 70. Stations: 32–80. The general shape of both specimens is ovoid, ending in a short thick peduncle (Fig. 20 A). The atrial siphon is apical, the oral siphon opens at mid-length of the body, and both are sessile with an external ring of round papillae similar to those found in some Culeolus species. The whole surface of the tunic is granular (Fig. 20 A).The branchial tissue bursts through the body wall in one of the specimens. The body wall strongly adheres to the thin tunic. The musculature is made of thin criss-crossed fibres on the body but both apertures have true sphincters. About 28 oral tentacles are intercalated with smaller ones. They arise at the base of a short velum. The peripharyngeal band is dorsally curved in a deep narrow V. The dorsal tubercle has a C-shaped slit opening to the left. The long dorsal lamina becomes progressively higher toward the oesophagus (Fig. 20 B). The branchial tissue is thin with 4 well separated folds on each side (Fig. 20 B). In both specimens the first fold on the right side of the dorsal lamina is thicker (Fig. 20 B). The branchial formula on the right side in the holotype is: E - 4 - 8 - 5 – 14 - 5 – 14 – 5 – 20 – 4 - DL The stigmata are rarely cut by parastigmatic vessels. A long oesophagus and a long stomach constitute the main part of the ascending limb of the gut loop (Fig. 21). A small coma-like caecum is at the pyloric end of the stomach. The stomach is linked to the body wall by a strong bridle. The intestine draws a wide secondary loop and ends in an anus with 6 lobes. There is one long sinuous gonad on each side curved in an arc (Fig. 21). Each of them is made of a central ovary flanked on each side by compact testis vesicles. The genital papillae are terminal, close to the anus on the left side. A single large endocarp takes place into the curve of each gonad (Fig. 21). A ring of tentacles lines the atrial aperture. Cnemidocarpa univesica is very similar to the damaged specimen of Cnemidocarpa sp. Monniot and Monniot, 1983. They have in common the body shape, the same branchial structure, a long gonad and a single endocarp on each side. Collected in the same geographic area they certainly belong to the same species. One sequence for the paratype specimen S 1 CNE 229 (BOLD: ASCAN 037- 10). No close hit in BOLD (best: 76.94 %). Cnemidocarpa verrucosa (Lesson, 1830) Cynthia verrucosa, Lesson, 1830: 151. Cnemidocarpa verrucosa: Van Name 1945: 272. Kott 1969: 107. Monniot & Monniot, 1983: 68 and synonymy. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1798. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 5-11 (424)- 12-17 - 42 -65(322)- 79-80. This species is named after the spines of the tunic, but these protrusions are less developed on the very large specimens. The body is attached to the substrate either by a narrow or larger base or with irregular extensions of the tunic. The siphons are distant from each other at angles of a triangular body. The musculature of the body wall is dense with regularly crossed fibres. The dorsal tubercle opens anteriorly with internally curled horns. The short dorsal lamina is prolonged behind the oesophagus entrance by a high blade. The 4 branchial folds are high and 4 to 5 longitudinal vessels between the folds separate large meshes without parastigmatic vessels. The gut is a simple loop with a long stomach and a multilobed anus. There is no gastric caecum. There are generally 2 long gonads on each side but sometimes only one on the left. Numerous endocarps are distributed on each side of the body wall. A ring of filiform tentacles is at the base of the atrial opening. No close hit in BOLD for the sequence from specimen S 1 CNE 221 (BOLD: ASCAN 039- 10), although there is another sequence identified as the same species. Additional work with more specimens would be necessary. C. verrucosa is a very common species from the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic shallow and bathyal depths. It reaches here 770 m depth.Published as part of Monniot, Françoise, Dettai, Agnès, Eleaume, Marc, Cruaud, Corinne & Ameziane, Nadia, 2011, Antarctic Ascidians (Tunicata) of the French-Australian survey CEAMARC in Terre Adélie, pp. 1-54 in Zootaxa 2817 on pages 27-34, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.27717


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    Polyclinidae Aplidium balleniae Monniot & Monniot, 1983 (Figure 4) Monniot & Monniot, 1983: 13 fig. 2 B, C, D. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1777 fig. 2. Stations: 5-12 - 14-22 - 61. One or several elongated lobes are united at their base. Each lobe is composed of a thick short peduncle and a softer head (Fig. 4). The tunic is encrusted with fine sand, but allows seeing long double rows of zooids. The common cloacal openings are apical but some can also be found on the lateral sides of the lobes. It is difficult to extract the zooids from the resistant vitreous tunic containing thin mineral particles. The oral siphon has 6 lobes. The atrial opening is wide; it begins at the level of the 3 th or 4 th stigmata row to end at half-length of the thorax. The languet with 3 teeth is longer near the common cloacal aperture. The branchial sac has 18 to 22 rows of 10 stigmata on each side. The 5 stomach folds are not well marked; an annular post-stomach is followed by a short segment of intestine which forms the bottom of the digestive loop. The zooids have very long post-abdomens. Almost all colonies are immature. When present the testis vesicles have each a separate sperm duct joining the common duct at some distance, as previously noted in the description of the type specimen. No ovaries and no larvae have been found. Sequences were obtained for specimens A 1 APL.B 527 (BOLD: ASCAN 006- 10) and A 1 APL.B 525 (BOLD: ASCAN 005- 10) with 2.46 % divergence between the two. Investigation with additional specimens and markers of whether this represents an intraspecific divergence would be interesting. No close hit in BOLD (best: 81 %). The distribution of Aplidium balleniae is strictly Antarctic but wide: Balleny Islands, Ross sea, Antarctic Peninsula and now Terre Adélie, from 150 to 600 m depth. Aplidium falklandicum Millar, 1960 (Figure 5) Millar, 1960: 34 Fig. 3. Monniot & Gaill 1978: 142 Fig. 1 D. Monniot & Monniot 1983: 15 and synonymy. Tatian et al. 2005: 207. Sanamyan, Schories & Sanamyan 2010: 59 fig. 2 A. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 2-5 - 11 (429)- 12-13 A- 18-27 (33)- 30 (66)- 35-50 A- 57- 86 E. The colonies in a single or multiple lobes are soft with some sand included in the surface tunic, mostly at the base of the colony. Internally the tunic is vitreous without sediment. The zooids are dense and parallel. The atrial aperture, opposite to the first branchial stigmata row, has a wide languet with a round tip. The zooids only have 14 to 16 rows of stigmata. The white triangular organ at the base of the thorax described by Millar (1960) was not found. The stomach is highly variable in zooids of a same colony, either with 5 longitudinal folds or with an almost smooth wall. The ovary is anterior to a long series of testis vesicles. The post-abdomen extends far beyond the gonad level. Two or 3 larvae are incubated in the peribranchial cavity. The elongated trunk measures 1.1 to 1.2 mm (Fig. 5), and has 3 adhesive organs alternating with 4 finger-like papillae and circled at their base by 4 vesicles on each side. Dorsally and ventrally are linear series of ampullae (as figured by Sanamyan & al 2010 fig. 2 A). One sequence for specimen A 1 APL.B 531 (BOLD: ASCAN 007- 10). Closest hit in BOLD: Aplidium meridianum ASCAN 008- 10 and ASCAN 009- 10 (92.5 %). A. falklandicum differs from other Antarctic Aplidium species by its soft clear colonies, very muscular thoraces with an average of 15 stigmata rows and the larval shape. It has a wide Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic distribution and a large depth range from the infra-littoral to 800 m in Terre Adélie. Aplidium meridianum (Sluiter, 1906) (Figure 6) Amaroucium meridianum, Sluiter, 1906: 15 pl. 1 fig. 12. Aplidium meridianum: Monniot F. 1978: 4 fig. 1 A. Monniot & Gaill 1978: 146 fig. 5 A. Monniot & Monniot 1982: 101. Monniot & Monniot 1983: 22 pl. 2 f-g. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 10-13 A- 20-21 - 22-28 - 30 (66)- 31 The colonies have a characteristic appearance (Fig. 6) although they are always damaged by trawls: they are arranged in large soft cushions on a wide base encrusted with sand, with a dark brown upper part, very mucous, and often in shreds. The zooid arrangement could not be detected from the colony surface. The zooids reach 2 cm in length with a long post-abdomen. The thorax is muscular with 6 pointed oral lobes and a simple thick atrial languet. An average of 20 stigmata rows were counted in the less contracted zooids. The stomach has 5 longitudinal folds and is followed by an inflated post-stomach. The ovary lies at some distance from the digestive loop. The testis vesicles are aligned along the anterior part of the post-abdomen behind the ovary. The common sperm duct is thick along the abdomen in all zooids of the collection. The larva is similar to those of Aplidium falklandicum, and figured in Monniot and Gaill (1978 Fig. 5 A) with a trunk measuring 1.1 mm long. A. meridianum has few distinctive characters except the dark and mucous colonies. Two identical sequences for specimen A 1 APL.B 538 (BOLD: ASCAN 009- 10) and specimen A 1 APL.B 537 (BOLD: ASCAN 008- 10). Closest hit in BOLD: see A. falklandicum. It is widely distributed in Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic regions down to 1500 m depth. Aplidium siderum Monniot & Monniot, 1983 (Figure 7) Monniot & Monniot, 1983: 28 fig. 5 C–E, pl. 2 I –J. Station: 14 A single spherical colony was collected at 168 m depth. The zooids are arranged in obvious circular systems, as the oral siphons open in a clear area of the surface test. Resistant at the upper layer with some fine particles embedded, the tunic becomes soft and gelatinous internally.. The zooids are very long but remain in the upper part of the colony. The oral aperture has 6 lobes; the atrial languet is long (Fig. 7 A). The branchial sac has 22 rows of few stigmata leaving an imperforated space near the endostyle. The stomach has 5 folds. The rectum begins with a caecum taking place posteriorly to the intestinal curve (Fig. 7 A, B). The long post-abdomen contains an ovary distant from the abdomen and followed by spaced testis follicles (Fig. 7 C). No larvae were found in this colony. This species is recorded here for the second time. Previously recorded from the Antarctic Peninsula, 73– 128 m. Ritterella mirifica Monniot & Monniot, 1983 (Figure 8) Monniot & Monniot, 1983: 34 fig. 6 ABCD, pl. 3 F. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1786 fig 9. Station: 16 A. Three colonies have been collected from a single station at 625 m depth. The less damaged one is conical 23 mm long and 17mm in diameter (Fig. 8). The oral siphon has 6 lobes. The rim of the atrial aperture is cut in languets. The branchial sac has 10 rows of stigmata without parastigmatic vessels or papillae. The gut is very short. The smooth stomach wall sometimes shows longitudinal ridges due to contraction. The long post-abdomen extends far into the base of the colony. Numerous testis vesicles are gathered in a cluster in the anterior part of the post-abdomen and the ovary is included inside this testis bunch. Immature larvae are incubated in the peribranchial cavity: they have 3 well separated adhesive papillae circled by a continuous line of vesicles. The neural vesicle contains a single sensory organite. Previously recorded from the Antarctic Peninsula and the Ross Sea from 142 to 365 m, the new record from Terre Adélie at 625 m widely extends both its geographic and bathymetric range. Synoicum adareanum (Herdman, 1902) (Figure 9 A) Polyclinum adareanum, Herdman, 1902: 195 pl. 22, fig. 1–9. Synoicum adareanum: Monniot & Monniot 1983: 31. Tatian et al. 2005: 208 and synonymy. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1787. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 1-2 - 3-5 - 7- 8 - 9-10 - 11 (424)- 11 (429)- 12-13 A- 14-17 - 20-21 - 22-26 A- 27 (45)- 39-50 A- 61. This species has either a single or several pedunculate lobes starting from a common base (Fig. 9 A). The head contains the thoraces of the zooids, the abdomens and post-abdomens are included inside the harder tunic of the peduncle. The oral apertures are in obvious circular systems at the top side of the colony. Synoicum adareanum is very common in the whole Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic areas and lives in abundant populations. It may be confused with Synoicum ostentor Monniot & Monniot, 1983 which has the same colony shape. However, Synoicum ostentor has a sandy and harder peduncle and zooids with many more stigmata rows in the branchial sac. Sequences were obtained from specimens A 1 SYN 107 a (BOLD: ASCAN 011- 10) and A 1 SYN 108 a (BOLD: ASCAN 010- 10). Sequence divergence is 0.52 %. No close hit in BOLD (best: 84 %). Synoicum ostentor Monniot & Monniot, 1983 (Figure 9 B) Monniot & Monniot, 1983: 33 fig. 5 G, H, I, pl. 2 C. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1789. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 1- 2 - 3-7 - 8-35 - 36 (297)- 39-52 - 79. The colonies are arranged in a single or several lobes. They are composed of a soft clear head on a stiff opaque peduncle (Fig. 9 B). The cylindrical peduncle has embedded sand and its external wall is horizontally wrinkled. The zooids are arranged in circular systems clearly visible at the top of the head. The anatomy of the CEAMARC specimens corresponds well to the original description. The largest colony lobe is 14.5cm high. The thoraces are long with an average of 22 rows of stigmata, even in small colonies. Some post-abdomens reach 5.5 cm in length. This species has an Antarctic distribution from the South Orkney Islands, Balleny Islands and Wilkes Land. Its deepest record in Terre Adélie is 800 m.Published as part of Monniot, Françoise, Dettai, Agnès, Eleaume, Marc, Cruaud, Corinne & Ameziane, Nadia, 2011, Antarctic Ascidians (Tunicata) of the French-Australian survey CEAMARC in Terre Adélie, pp. 1-54 in Zootaxa 2817 on pages 10-17, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.27717


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    Cionidae Ciona antarctica Hartmeyer, 1911 (Figure 10) Hartmeyer, 1911: 471 pl. 52 fig. 5. Monniot & Monniot 1983: 47 fig. 9 A, B; 1994: 15. Station: 55. The single specimen collected 9 cm in length and 3.5 cm in width has a transparent tunic. The basal part of the tunic is thicker, somewhat cartilaginous with superficial vascular ampullae. Both siphons are terminal, close to each other (Fig. 10 A, B). The body is contracted by 6 strong longitudinal muscular ribbons on each side (Fig. 10 A, B). There are 12 long oral tentacles. The dorsal tubercle opens in a C on the right. The peripharyngeal band has 2 blades. The rapheal languets are narrow and long. The branchial sac has finger-like papillae at the crossings of the longitudinal, transverse and parastigmatic vessels (Fig. 10 D). The digestive loop is located in totality under the branchial sac. The stomach is internally thinly plicated. The anus is multilobate. The gonads are included inside the gut loop (Fig. 10 C). On each side, between the gut and the body wall, in the posterior part of the body, a large organ protrudes, made of thick lobed lamellae of unknown function (Fig. 10 C). No close hit in BOLD (best: 80.32 % for C. intestinalis) for the sequence of specimen P 1 CIO 80 (BOLD: ASCAN 030- 10). The CEAMARC specimens correspond to previous descriptions. However, C. antarctica was rarely collected and only in two opposite areas of the Antarctic continent: the Antarctic Peninsula and Terre Adélie down to 500 m. Tylobranchion speciosum Herdman, 1886 (Figure 11) Herdman, 1886: 157. Monniot & Monniot 1983: 50 and synonymy; 1994: 15. Tatian et al. 1998: 149. Tatian et al. 2005: 210. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1795. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 11 (424)- 62. Most of the material is damaged. One colony is intact, triangular with an expanded upper part containing the thoraces of the zooids narrowing progressively to a thin peduncle (Fig. 11 A). The tunic, when fixed, is perfectly transparent and colourless. All siphon rims are damaged. The branchial sac is wide with 15 to 17 rows of numerous stigmata. Long bifid papillae arise from the transverse vessels (Fig. 11 B). The stigmata rows have no parastigmatic vessels. The stomach wall has an average of 8 folds. The rectum is particularly wide along the whole thorax length. The gonads are located immediately under the gut loop and sometimes overlapping it. They are composed of numerous testis vesicles and a central ovary. The post-abdomens extend the whole length of the colony. No close hit in BOLD (best: 79.9 %) for the sequence of specimen P 1 TYL 27 (BOLD: ASCAN 021- 10). T. speciosum is eurybathic and widely distributed in the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic areas.Published as part of Monniot, Françoise, Dettai, Agnès, Eleaume, Marc, Cruaud, Corinne & Ameziane, Nadia, 2011, Antarctic Ascidians (Tunicata) of the French-Australian survey CEAMARC in Terre Adélie, pp. 1-54 in Zootaxa 2817 on pages 18-20, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.27717

    Abyssal echinoderm’s bioluminescence

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    Virtually unknown the abyssal floor (from 2000 to 6000m deep) represents the vastest biotope on Earth (about 50% of the planet surface) and it is quite recently that a systematic exploration was conducted by one international consortium called CeDEMar (Census of the Diversity of Abyssal Marine Life). An astonishing biodiversity was found but it is believed that only 1% of this dark cold biotope has been sampled and a huge number of organisms remain unknown. Rarely sampled, the abyssal benthic fauna capability to produce light is virtually unknown. Using remote camera and autonomous lander, abyssal luminous organisms were either not recognized or could not be identified at specific level but most of them belong the following taxa: Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Copepods and Echinoderms. During a recent expedition on the East coasts of Australia, systematic surveys of abyssal plains from Hobart to the Great Barrier Reef were realized using bottom beam trawls. These brought back at the surface specimens that were observed in a cold dark room enabling us to document for the first time some bioluminescent display of rarely seen organisms using sensitive camera, video recordings, luminometer and microspectrophotometer. Images and data from benthic abyssal echinoderms revealed the diversity of bioluminescence, ranging from slow glow to brief flash, from blue to green emitters. Our study brings unique results that will be added to the only known work done by Herring, about deep-sea echinoderms luminescence, dated from 1977. Work is in progress to describe abyssal echinoderms distribution within the different classes of the phylum. Deep down spiny critters shine light but for what purpose, this remains a mystery, new expeditions will be necessary to better understand abyssal echinoderm’s bioluminescence


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    Ascidiidae Ascidia challengeri Herdman, 1882 (Figures 12 A, 13 A, 14) Herdman, 1882: 202 pl. 30. Kott 1969: 90 and synonymy. Monniot & Monniot 1983: 64 Fig 12 a –e; 1994: 28. Tatian et al. 1998: 149. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1796. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 2-3 - 5-9 - 12-13 A- 17-30 (66)- 35-42. The largest specimens of the collection reach 20 cm in length. The oral siphon is apical; the atrial siphon opens at 1 / 4 to 1 / 3 of the body length (Fig. 12 A). Around both siphons the tunic is raised in irregular finger-like papillae. Elsewhere the surface of the tunic is smooth. A trace of red pigment remained on some specimens. A thin vascular web in polygonal meshes can be seen in the transparent surface of the tunic. On the right side the muscular fibres are thin and regularly crossed. On the left side the musculature is limited to the anterior part of the body. The oral tentacles are not numerous: 16 to 20 large ones are distributed in two rings. The dorsal tubercle opens in a U near the neural ganglion (Fig. 14). The dorsal lamina, in a plain membrane, does not overpass the oesophagus entrance. In a specimen 65 mm long, 38 longitudinal vessels were counted on the right side of the branchial sac. High and thick crooked papillae protrude at the intersection of the longitudinal and transverse vessels, others, with almost the same size, arise on the longitudinal vessels between each transverse vessel (Fig. 13 A). The branchial sac does extend below the level of the gut. The digestive tract, in a double loop, occupies 1 / 3 of the left body side. The stomach is grooved. The long rectum obviously overpasses the level of the top of the primary gut loop. The gonads lie inside and over the intestinal loop. A. challengeri may be easily confused at first look with A. meridionalis of a same size and general aspect (Fig. 12). The differences concern the fine structure of the tunic, the number of oral tentacles and the presence of secondary branchial papillae (Fig. 13). The synonymy of A. challengeri with other Antarctic Ascidia species is discussed in Monniot and Monniot (1983). A. challengeri is widely distributed and bathyal in the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic seas. Ascidia meridionalis Herdman, 1880 (Figures 12 B, 13 B) Herdman, 1880: 465. Monniot & Monniot. 1983: 61 and synonymy. Kott 1969: 72 part, and synonymy. Tatian et al. 2005: 210. Primo & Vazquez 2007: 1803. Stations (events when several trawling operations per station): 2-5 - 8-9 - 10 -20- 26 A- 27 (45)- 27 (46)- 30 (66)- 31-34 - 36 (297)- 41-42 - 50 A- 51-52 - 55-62 - 79. The specimens are 3 to 15 cm in length. They differ from A.challengeri by a tunic without papillae at the siphons. The body surface has a velvet-like aspect due to the thin granular surface of the tunic. The oral aperture is terminal with 4 lobes. The atrial siphon is not protruding with 6 lobes, located at 1 / 3 or 1 / 2 of the body length (Fig. 12 B). Both siphons possess ocelli. More than 70 oral tentacles are inserted along a wide crest. The dorsal tubercle is far from the neural ganglion, at mid distance from the siphons. The dorsal tubercle opens in a U with slightly rolled horns. The branchial sac extends down to the body end, far behind the gut. The dorsal lamina reaches the bottom of the branchial sac below the oesophageal aperture. Sixty longitudinal vessels were counted on the right side of the branchial sac of a specimen 12cm long. The crooked branchial papillae are regularly placed at the crossings of the longitudinal and transverse vessels (Fig. 13 B), rare intermediate papillae were found. The digestive tract draws a double loop. The stomach is plicated. The anus is at the level of the top of the primary intestinal loop. The gonads have the common structure of the genus; the gonoducts follow the rectum and open against the anus. No close hit in BOLD (best: 76.49 %) for the sequence of specimen P 5 ASC.Aa 405 (BOLD: ASCAN 023- 10). The abundance of this species in Terre Adélie allows to confirm the differences with the closely allied A. challengeri. Both species are widely distributed in the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic regions in the same bathyal habitats.Published as part of Monniot, Françoise, Dettai, Agnès, Eleaume, Marc, Cruaud, Corinne & Ameziane, Nadia, 2011, Antarctic Ascidians (Tunicata) of the French-Australian survey CEAMARC in Terre Adélie, pp. 1-54 in Zootaxa 2817 on pages 20-24, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.27717